The 2011 DPCA National was a good one for Tyson babies. Three kids were shown at the National and all 3 won their classes!
Tyson’s son ADAMAS Shock and Awe “Bullet” won his Bred-by-exhibitor black class at the regional show on Oct. 2 and went on to win Best Bred-by-exhibitor handled by his co-breeder Elizabeth Barrett. Congrats to Elizabeth and thanks to judge Pamela DeHetre.

Tyson’s son ADAMAS Shock and Awe “Bullet” winning Best Bred By Exhbitor at the DPCA Regional
On Oct 3, Tyson’s daughter ADAMAS Bottle Shock of Mirabel, “Zini” won her American Bred AOAC class while sister ADAMAS Shockwave “Sheva” placed 4th in her bred-by-exhibitor black class.
At the National, Tyson’s son Goldgrove First Class “Max” won his large 6-9 month AOAC puppy dog class, ADAMAS Shock and Awe “Bullet” won his American bred black dog class and Zini again won her American Bred AOAC class. Thank you to judges Skip Thielen and Ray Carlisle.

Tyson’s son Goldgrove First Class “Max” winning his 6-9 month AOAC Class at the National handled by Esteban Farias.

Tyson’s son ADAMAS Shock and Awe “Bullet” winning his American Bred Black class at the National handled by Jocelyn Mullins

Tyson’s daughter ADAMAS Bottle Shock of Mirabel “Zini” winning her American Bred AOAC Class at the National owner handled by Michelle
I got to spend the week with 5 outstanding puppies sired by Tyson out of Ch. Goldgrove Sheza Miracle “Mira”. Here are a few of the puppies stacked by the incomparable Esteban Farias.

“Whoopie” at 3 months (Tyson daughter)

Zack at 3 months (Tyson son)

Who does love some puppy lovin’?!