Another busy National behind us! It’s a fun filled and tiring week. A quick recap…
Sunday Sept 30 – Zini earned her NAJ (Novice Agility Jumpers) title at the DPCA Regional agility trial.
Tyson’s son GCh ADAMAS Shock and Awe, “Bullet”, earned his WAC when he passed the Working Aptitude Evaluation (WAE) with flying colors.
Also, Tyson’s daughter Dancing Star’s You Are My Sunshine RN CGC TDI TT earned her WAC when she passed the WAE.
Monday Oct 1 – Zini earned her NA (Novice Agility) title at the DPCA National agility trial finishing 1st place in her class.
Wed Oct 3 – Tyson’s daughter Momanon’s Gypsy Moon, “Gypsy”, placed 3rd in her 9-12 month black female futurity class under judge Esteban Farias.

Tank in the ring ready for his individual examination. Photo by Jim Bowman
Thurs Oct 4 – Tyson’s son Goldgrove Taylor Made, “Tank”, won his Open black dog class and went on to go Winner’s Dog for a huge 5 point major!! I was honored to have been asked to show him for owners Peter and Carrie Albertson and co-breeder Sharon Pflueger. Thanks to judge Judy Brown for this great win! I am thrilled to have co-bred such a wonderful dog.
Also on Thursday, Tyson received great news that his 4th echo in as many years shows a healthy heart.
Also on Thursday Tyson was shown as a veteran in the 7-9 year old dog class. He went 2nd and had a great time and enjoyed all of the applause and attention. Check out the video by clicking here.
Sat Oct 6 – Tyson’s son Bullet and daughter Zini made the 1st cut in the Best of Breed competition. They both looked and showed GREAT!
Congrats to all for a wonderful National!

Zini in Best of Breed. Photo by Jim Bowman

Since Zini placed 1st in her Novice B 24″ agility class, her photo (1st row, left) was included in “The Pipeline”, the official publication of the DPCA. Yeah Zini!

Tyson in Veterans (7 1/2 years old). Photo by Jim Bowman

Bullet in Best of Breed at the Regional. Photo by Jim Bowman

Tyson’s son Goldgrove Taylor Made going Winners Dog at the 2012 DPCA National handled by Michelle Kramer. Bred by Sharon Pflueger and Michelle Kramer

Tank, as WD at the 2012 DPCA National earns him a spot on the cover (2nd row right most) of “The Pipeline”, the official publication of the DPCA.

The Doberman Digest ad for Tank’s big win.