The Doberman Pinscher Club of America’s 2016 National specialty was held in St. Charles, IL Oct 8-15. Lots of fun and successful showings!
The highlight of the National was Tyson being recognized as a DPCA sire of four ROMs (Register of Merit) .In order to earn a Register of Merit (ROM) award from the DPCA, a Doberman must earn an AKC championship, an approved working title, and pass the Working Aptitude Evaluation.
Thank you to the breeders who chose Tyson, and the owners who worked so hard with their dogs to attain these titles. And thanks to those of you who were there with me when Tyson was recognized at the National’s annual meeting. It meant the world to be able to share it with you all!

Bristol Master run
This was the 2nd year that a barnhunt trial was held at the National. Tyson’s Grand Champion/RATCH daughter Bristol came out to play for one Masters run. Here is a video Bristols High Masters/1st place Barn Hunt run: Her run time was 1:24 for three tubes. The girls were smokin’ fast!

Dorie earning her RATN
Dorie finished her novice barnhunt title. Now on to Open!

Bristol won Best Adult
Kellie showed Bristol at the Round Robin where they were awarded Best Adult. Elizabeth Barrett showed Bristol in breed where at the National they made it through the 1st cut. Congrats on a great showing!

Dorie in a beautifully competitive Bred By black class
Dorie was only shown once in conformation where she placed 4th in Bred By black bitches in a class of 12. Thank you Dr. DiNardo for the class placement in a lovely class of quality bitches
Dorie’s sister Prada placed 2nd in the American Bred black class at the National under Dr. DiNardo.

Jazz cleaned up at agility!
Bristol’s sister Jazz (ADAMAS Jade Mountain NA NAJ) placed first in Open Standard Agility as well as finishing her Novice Standard and Jumpers tiles. She also got her 1st 2 legs for her Open titles. She also earned her Novice barnhunt title. Busy girl!

Ki First Place in Agility
Her brother Ki (ADAMAS Denali) placed first in Novice Jumpers with Weaves Agility.
Siblings Zini and Bullet got to visit at the motorhome. These are 2 of the 4 champions from their litter. Bullet, with over 400 therapy visits, is the most requested therapy dog in the state of Michigan. I just love this boy – what a gentle spirit.
Dorie’s sister Prada passed her DPCA Working Aptitude Evaluation (WAE) and can now add “WAC” (Working Aptitude Certified) title to her name. Want to learn more about the WAE? Click here.
On Sunday, the DPCA sponsored a Roaring 20’s theme party. It was well attended and lots of fun!