Sire GCHG / Can Ch Vision Bring The Action v Velo CD RN CAA BCAT CGC TKI ROM BFL-1 LC-11L |
Ch Gallant's Midnight Ryder v Ciden LC-13D | Ch Gallant's Midnight Hour v Ciden LC-10D | Ch Darwin's Dance of the Hour WAC LC-10D |
Ch Gallant's Cactus Moon | |||
Ch Carlon's Rockin' Robin LC-10D | CH Cambria's Cactus Cash | ||
Ch Carlon's Mirage of Bikila LC-10L | |||
Velo First Lady Aguilo v Carosel WAC | Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow WAC | BIS BISS World Ch Am/Mex Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow | |
Arg Ch Jessy de Vulcano LC-15D | |||
Velo Lectra Glide Aguilo v Carosel LC-10D | Ch Carosel Into The Mystic Mountains LC-11D | ||
Velo Run For the Roses Aguilo LC-10D | |||
Dam Ch. Mirabel Here to Adore v ADAMAS RATI RATO TKN |
Gch Ch Protocol's Ordo Ab Chao BFL-1 LC-10D | Ch Foxfire All Star LC-10D | BIS BISS World Ch Am/Mex Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow |
Ch Foxfire's All That Jazz LC-12D | |||
BISS Ch Protocol's American Dream CDX RN AX AXJ XF ROM TT SCH I LC-10D BFL-1 | Ch Cambria's Double Trouble II WAC LC-11D | ||
BISS Ch Old House Debut For Protocol CD OA NAP AXJ NJP AX OAJ ROM LC-11D | |||
GCh ADAMAS Shockwave CD CA RATS ROM BFL-1 | MBISS Am Ch/MBIS U GrCh/IABC Ch Talladega's American Thunder RN OA OAJ NJP NF CL-3 CGC ROM VC-X LC-10D | Am/Int'l/UKC CH Talladega's Thunderhawke WAC | |
Am/Intl Ch Walkaway's Boot Scoot N Boogie WAC LC-10D | |||
- Legend at 9 weeks.
- 7 weeks. The Pink Princess
- Legend at 7 weeks
- 5 weeks. The Pink Princess
- Pyra 5 weeks
- 5 weeks. Pink princess
- 4 1/2 weeks. The Pink Princess
- 4 weeks. The front paw cross lives on. The Pink Princess
- 3 weeks. Pink singing a tune for me.
- 2 weeks old. The Pink Princess.
- I love having the whelping box by the windows. The sunshine is so good for mom and babies. Princess Pink is already sunbathing. 1 week old.
- 7 weeks.
- 7 weeks.
- 7 weeks. One of today’s enrichment objects – wire shelving. Yellow girl. And gray girl on a saucer sled.
- 7 weeks.
- 6 1/2 weeks. Light blue boy. I’m an underjaw freak and this boy has got it goin’ on.
- 6 1/2 weeks. Pink girl.
- 6 1/2 weeks.
- 6 1/2 weeks. Today’s enrichment toy – a skateboard.
- 5 weeks. And because I couldn’t get 3 at the same time, I tried 4. And another futile attempt. Blue boy, yellow, purple, and pink (The Pink Princess) girls.
- 5 weeks. Futile attempt to get all 3 looking at the camera. Blue boy, yellow and purple girls.
- 5 weeks.
- 5 weeks. Gray Girl
- 5 weeks. Gray girl
- 5 weeks Pink princess says “Well HI mom!!!!”
- 5 weeks. Green girl and light blue boy.
- 5 weeks. They can’t decide if they like the slide or the puppy sized dog walk better.
- 5 weeks. Sassy Pants (tan girl)
- 5 weeks. Working on clicker training attention. Navy boy turns it on!
- 5 weeks. Green girl
- 4 1/2 weeks. Navy boy.
- 4 1/2 weeks. The small slide was a warmup for the big slide.
- 4 1/2 weeks. Traffic jam cleared up and blue boy hogging it to himself.
- 4 1/2 weeks. Green girl causing a traffic jam on the slide. Blue boy not having much luck passing on the right.
- 4 1/2 weeks.
- 4 1/2 weeks. Learning to use the baby dog door.
- 4 1/2 weeks. Gray girl showing off her freshly dremeled nails.
- 4 1/2 weeks. Chasing the broom.
- 4 1/2 weeks.
- 4 1/2 weeks.
- 4 1/2 weeks.
- 4 1/2 weeks. There’s always one in the bunch.
- 4 1/2 weeks. Purple giving raspberries.
- 4 weeks. Light blue boy.
- 4 weeks. Slow down gray girl – the jack chew toy is almost bigger than you!
- 4 weeks. Can you tell who daddy’s favorite is?!
- 4 weeks. That’s a mighty big crate! Don’t worry Sassy (tan girl), you’ll fill it up soon enough. Way too soon.
- 4 weeks. Enjoying their activity box.
- 4 weeks. Purple girl making quick work of a metal pan.
- 4 weeks. Navy boy crusing across the plastic lid.
- 4 weeks. A nice day for some time on the deck.
- 4 weeks. Sassy in the tunnel.
- 4 weeks. Making music on the Elmo guitar.
- 4 weeks. A piece of wire shelfing makes for some nice footing stimulation.
- 4 weeks. Blue boy
- 3 weeks. It’s gray girl’s turn. Purple is giving her some words of wisdom.
- 3 weeks. Navy boy and purple girl checking out the wobble board.
- 3 weeks. Pink and purple playing. Yes, that’s a pizza box – when it comes to stimuli, everything around here is fair game! Some people see a pizza box, I see a surface for puppies to walk on.
- 3 weeks. Purple is the first to investigate the wobble board.
- 3 weeks. They love their snuggle bunnies!
- 3 weeks. Kissing on their daddy.
- Whew, I’m full! 3 weeks.
- Sassy Pants living up to her name. 3 weeks.
- It tastes better when you step in it! 3 weeks.
- 3 weeks and loving their gruel.
- Pink belly!!!!!!!!! 3 weeks.
- Out like a light. 3 weeks.
- 2 weeks old.
- 12 days old. Blue collar boy.
- 11 days still working on their pattern making skills.
- 1 week old.
- Early neurological stimulation continues. Introducing scents as well. Yesterday’s scent was the barrel of a gun. Today’s scent will be straw (for all of the future barn hunters in the litter!).
- Sibling love. 💕 (photo by Kris W.)
- Me thinks Dorie is mighty proud of her beautiful family.
- 3 days old.
- 3 days old chubby bellies. Boy in the middle.
- 3 days old.
- 3 days old.
- Mirabel Dobermans has been blessed with 6 black girls and 2 black boys. GCH. Vision Bring the Action v Velo (Bono) x UCH Mirabel Here to Adore v ADAMAS RATN (12 pts 1 major) (Dorie).