
Show News

2024 National

2025-02-02T16:28:38-05:00October 25th, 2024|Categories: Diana, Isa, Jazmine, Show News|Tags: , , , |

The 2024 DPCA National took place in Kingsport, TN, bringing together Doberman enthusiasts from across the country and around the world. It was wonderful to be back, reconnecting with friends and celebrating our shared passion for the breed at this special annual gathering. Demi, Dolly, [...]

2023 National

2024-02-23T20:08:19-05:00October 2nd, 2023|Categories: Demi, Diana, Dolly, Show News|Tags: , , , |

The DPCA National show is always a highlight of the year.  The 2023 National did not disappoint!  Jim is the RV chair, so that means we arrive early to get everything mapped out for parking the RV guests. It's a long 10 days but always filled with great friends [...]

Champion Fiery

2022-12-05T20:41:26-05:00November 3rd, 2022|Categories: Show News|

CH Fiery from the Mirabel "Burn" litter, crossed the finish line under Brian Meyer in Plant City, FL. Shown one weekend a month, she was handled to her championship by Dylan Kipp Keith and Hernan Matias Pacheco Fiery is owned by Sara McLarnon and myself. So happy [...]

National 2022

2022-11-03T09:04:08-05:00October 12th, 2022|Categories: Demi, Diana, Show News, Vida|Tags: , , |

The 2022 Doberman National was held in Topeka, KS. Vida won her 11+ year veteran class at the Regional Sweepstakes under judge Colleen Nicholson. Vida had a great time and was a fan favorite! Demi was shown in breed at the Regional and National. She made [...]

Diana is The Best

2021-04-27T07:15:39-05:00April 27th, 2021|Categories: Diana, Show News|Tags: |

Judge: Dana Cline Judge: Vicki Seiler-Cushman Diana's first time in the ring since motherhood, she wins the breed 3 out of 3 and goes on to win Reserve Best in Show under breed authority Vicki Seiler-Cushman and the [...]

Diana Wins the National

2020-09-18T19:33:52-05:00October 17th, 2019|Categories: Diana, Show News|Tags: , |

Another great National is  in the books. Diana was awarded Select Bitch at the Regional under judge Pamela DeHetre. Sister Pyra placed fourth in a highly competitive bred by class.  Carissa DeMilta-Shimpeno judged Maturity where Diana won best Maturity Senior and sister Pyra was reserve Maturity Senior.  [...]

Vida Earns her RN

2019-05-28T08:33:15-05:00May 28th, 2019|Categories: Show News, Vida|Tags: |

This past weekend, Vida earned her Rally Novice title in 3 straight trials.  She was handled by Kris while I was at the local conformation shows. Way to go 8 year old Vida!!!  Vida is Goldgrove Miracle of Live Mirabel RN RATI RATN - a Tyson daughter. [...]

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