Tyson’s son ADAMAS Aftershock, “Tulsa” went Winners Dog/Best of Winners under Michelle Billings on Nov 5 at Oak Ridge KC (see photo below). Congratulations to owner Frances Hart and breeders Elizabeth Barret and Frances. Tulsa is a littermate to Zini, Bullet and Shiva.
The very next day, Tyson’s daughter and Tulsa and Zini’s sister ADAMAS Shockwave “Shiva” went Winners Bitch and Best of Breed over 4 specials for another 2 points. Thanks to judge Carl Vitner. Congrats to Elizabeth on 2 more points from the Bred By class!
This litter was bred by Elizabeth Barrett (ADAMAS Dobermans) and Frances Hart.
This same weekend, the dam of the litter, “Taylour” earned her CD and now she’s ADAMAS I.R.O.C. CD RE OA OAJ NAP NJP NF NFP.
Congrats all around to team ADAMAS!

ADAMAS Aftershock winning under breed authority Michelle Billings