Willow is from our 2017 GCh. Vision Bring the Action v Velo “Bono” x Ch. Mirabel Here to Adore v ADAMAS RATO “Dorie” litter. She is co-owned Rick and Irene Wilcox who owned Bullet who can be found on this website. She was gray collar girl.
From first point to last, Willow finished in 6 weekends where she won every weekend. Much appreciation to judges RC Williams, Dana P Cline (major), Col Joe B Purkhiser (major), Carol S. Brown, Helene Nietsch, Barbara Dempsey Alderman, Charles L Olvis (BOS over specials), and Simon Sim. She earned the majority of her points from Bred By.
Willow ended the 2019 Canine Chronicle year as #33 breed points ad #28 all breed points.

Judge Simon Sim; August 2018; Last point to complete Championship

Willow at 8 weeks

Judge Dana Cline May 2018; 3 point major

Team Willow
Willow was awarded Best in Sweepstakes at the 2018 Doberman Pinscher Club of America’s Regional show under judge Karin Fox, handled by Ashlee Claggett. She also won Reserve Futurity Junior under judge Amy Tourond (sister Rumor won Best Futurity Junior).
Judge Fox had this to say about her judging assignment:
My best junior and eventual Best in Sweepstakes came from the 15-18 month black class. As I was walking down the line to get my first impression I have to say that she game me goose bumps. To me, she possessed the type I believe to be correct. Her outline was crisp and lovely yet she appeared powerfully built. Again, good topline and underline to compliment it and when she moved, she covered ground efficiently.
It was so pleasurable to look at the Best Puppy and Best Junior together in the ring! Both made me want to cry they were so beautiful! In the end I selected the Best Junior bitch for Best in Sweeps. She personified the standard: medium sized, square, compactly built. She had lovely nuances as well: smoothness, lovely head and neck. She moved well both coming and going and she got around the ring in a balanced manner with good reach and drive.
Willow’s Recent News
Willow RBIS
At the Lorain County KC show in Oberlin, Ohio, Willow was awarded Reserve Best in Show under judge Janina Laurin.
2019 Canine Chronicle Stats
Diana and Willow in synchrony (photo 2018) Sisters Diana and Willow both landed in the 2019 Canine Chronicle top 40 standings. Diana finished 2019 as [...]
Willow RATO
GCh. Mirabel Love Story This past weekend, while brother Finn was earning his RATN, GCh. Mirabel Love Story, "Willow" finished up her Open Barnhunt title [...]
Willow Goes Best of Breed
Judge Roger Gifford; October 2018 At the Delaware Ohio Kennel Club show on Oct. 28, 2018, Ch. Mirabel Love Story RATN, "Willow", went Best of [...]
2018 National
The Mirabel Love Litter knocked it out of the park at the 2018 National held October 6-12, 2018 in St. Charles, IL. Below summarizes their wins. It was so [...]
Willow is a Champion
At the Muncie Indiana shows this past weekend, Mirabel Love Story, "Willow" earned her last point to finish her championship under Simon Sim. The day before judge Ken Roux [...]
South Bend Brings Points
Judge Barbara Alderman Judge Charles Olvis Mirabel Love Story RATN, “Willow”, won twice in South Bend, IN picking up [...]
Winners in Troy Ohio
Judge Helene Nietsch The Pink Princess, Ch. Mirabel Endless Love, "Diana", won back-to-back Best of Breeds in Troy Ohio this past weekend under judges Carol Brown [...]
Three Majors and New Champion in Concord NC
Judge Col. Joe Purkhiser Judge Michael Canalizo The Concord, NC circuit afforded us the opportunity to show in 7 [...]
Smokin Hot in Kalamazoo
It was smokin' hot in Kalamazoo Michigan over the 2018 Memorial Day holiday. Temperature was in the mid-upper 90's and the dogs were busy all weekend long! From barnhunt, [...]
Success in Tallmadge
Judge Heather Brennan Mirabel Warrior of Love, "Legend", shown going Best of Breed over champions under judge Heather Brennan. Judge RC Williams [...]
Sire GCHG / Can Ch Vision Bring The Action v Velo CD RN CAA BCAT CGC TKI ROM BFL-1 LC-11L |
Ch Gallant's Midnight Ryder v Ciden LC-13D | Ch Gallant's Midnight Hour v Ciden LC-10D | Ch Darwin's Dance of the Hour WAC LC-10D |
Ch Gallant's Cactus Moon | |||
Ch Carlon's Rockin' Robin LC-10D | CH Cambria's Cactus Cash | ||
Ch Carlon's Mirage of Bikila LC-10L | |||
Velo First Lady Aguilo v Carosel WAC | Ch Trotyl De Black Shadow WAC | BIS BISS World Ch Am/Mex Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow | |
Arg Ch Jessy de Vulcano LC-15D | |||
Velo Lectra Glide Aguilo v Carosel LC-10D | Ch Carosel Into The Mystic Mountains LC-11D | ||
Velo Run For the Roses Aguilo LC-10D | |||
Dam Ch. Mirabel Here to Adore v ADAMAS RATI RATO TKN |
Gch Ch Protocol's Ordo Ab Chao BFL-1 LC-10D | Ch Foxfire All Star LC-10D | BIS BISS World Ch Am/Mex Ch Arg GRCh Inaqui De Black Shadow |
Ch Foxfire's All That Jazz LC-12D | |||
BISS Ch Protocol's American Dream CDX RN AX AXJ XF ROM TT SCH I LC-10D BFL-1 | Ch Cambria's Double Trouble II WAC LC-11D | ||
BISS Ch Old House Debut For Protocol CD OA NAP AXJ NJP AX OAJ ROM LC-11D | |||
GCh ADAMAS Shockwave CD CA RATS ROM BFL-1 | MBISS Am Ch/MBIS U GrCh/IABC Ch Talladega's American Thunder RN OA OAJ NJP NF CL-3 CGC ROM VC-X LC-10D | Am/Int'l/UKC CH Talladega's Thunderhawke WAC | |
Am/Intl Ch Walkaway's Boot Scoot N Boogie WAC LC-10D | |||