

Diana Goes Select at Royal Canin Regional

2019-05-21T12:36:53-05:00December 20th, 2018|Categories: Diana|Tags: , |

Judge Glenn Lajeski; Dec 2018 At the AKC National lead in shows, Diana was the youngest champion there and she held her own.  At the Doberman Pinscher Club of America's Regional specialty held on Dec 14, 2018, breeder judge Glenn Lajeski chose Diana as his [...]

Diana Wins in NC and OH

2019-01-11T16:55:09-05:00November 13th, 2018|Categories: Diana, Show News|Tags: |

Judge Dana Cline; Nov. 2018 This past weekend in North Carolina, GCh. Mirabel Endless Love, "Diana", won back to back Best of Breeds under judges Helene Nietsch (Banstock Bullmastiffs) and Connie Alexander (Kachina Dobermans) and on to a Group 3 under 2018 AKC Breeder of [...]

Diana Wins Group 3

2019-05-21T12:37:22-05:00October 22nd, 2018|Categories: Diana, Show News|Tags: , |

Judge Barbara Alderman; Oct 2018 Diana was awarded Best of Breed at Saturday's Clermont County KC show under judge Barbara Alderman.  She went on to a group 3 in a strong working group of 28 dogs.  Sister Pyra went Winners Bitch both days. [...]

Winners in Troy Ohio

2018-06-21T14:13:32-05:00June 19th, 2018|Categories: Diana, Show News, Willow|Tags: , , |

Judge Helene Nietsch The Pink Princess, Ch. Mirabel Endless Love, "Diana", won back-to-back Best of Breeds in Troy Ohio this past weekend under judges Carol Brown and Helene Nietsch (pictured).  After only 3 weekends, Diana needs just a few singles to finish her Grand Championship.  She [...]

Diana Finishes in Style

2018-06-21T14:12:45-05:00April 18th, 2018|Categories: Diana, Show News|Tags: , |

Judge Barbara Alderman At the April 2018 Atlanta DPC Specialty show in Perry, GA Diana finished with a 4 point major from the Bred By class under judge Barbara Dempsey Alderman.  I was humbled by the ringside support and numerous compliments.  Diana was always breeder/owner [...]

Louisville 2018

2020-12-30T15:18:49-05:00March 19th, 2018|Categories: Diana, Legend, Show News|Tags: , , |

This past weekend at the Louisville, KY cluster, the Bono x Dorie kids showed well! Mirabel Warrior of Love, "Legend", went Reserve to the major 3 times from Bred By. Mirabel Endless Love, "Diana", went Reserve to the major twice from Bred By.  She also [...]

Diana Wins In Indianapolis

2018-06-21T14:13:32-05:00February 16th, 2018|Categories: Diana, Show News|Tags: , |

At the February 2018 Indianapolis Winter Classic,  9 month old Diana won the points 3 of the 4 shows.  She won a point under Dana Cline, a major under Jon Cole, and two more points under Barbara Alderman.  She was shown in the Bred By class - so proud [...]

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