

Diana Wins in Tallmadge

2018-06-21T14:13:32-05:00January 12th, 2018|Categories: Diana, Show News|Tags: , |

Diana winning under Jon Cole   This past weekend at the Rubber City KC show in Tallmadge, Ohio, Mirabel Endless Love, "Diana" was awarded Best of Winners under judge Jon Cole in an entry of 10 bitches.  This was her last showing in the 6-9 [...]

2017 National

2020-12-30T15:11:36-05:00October 13th, 2017|Categories: Diana, Dorie, Prada, Show News|Tags: , , , , |

The Doberman Pinscher Club of America's 2017 National Specialty was held in Huron Ohio Sept 30-Oct 7, 2017. Regional Sweepstakes Sept 30 - Judge Mary Leahy of Wyndem Dobermans I had the pleasure of showing Legendale Reign of Goldgrove, "Reign", a Tyson granddaughter for owner Deborah Dorken.  Reign went [...]

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