Diana Working Group 1
This past weekend at the Greater Panama City Dog Fanciers Association show, Diana went Best of Breed and Group 1 under breed authority Joe Gregory. Diana Group 1
This past weekend at the Greater Panama City Dog Fanciers Association show, Diana went Best of Breed and Group 1 under breed authority Joe Gregory. Diana Group 1
#ThePinkPrincess and TeamDiana made the trip to New York to show at the Wintergarden Specialties and Westminster. Except for the rain, the weather cooperated, and while the trip is an exhausting one, we had a great time. Photo of #ThePinkPrincess by Diana Han, NorCal [...]
Diana and Willow in synchrony (photo 2018) Sisters Diana and Willow both landed in the 2019 Canine Chronicle top 40 standings. Diana finished 2019 as #15 in breed stats (434 points) and #17 in all breed stats (1020 points). Willow finished #33 in breed stats [...]
This weekend at Jackson TN Dog Fanciers Assn show, Diana was awarded a Group 2 in a strong group under judge Cindy Meyer. Congrats to Chief the boxer for the Group 1!
Judge Dana Cline; Jan 2019 This past weekend at the Clemson SC shows, Diana went Back to Back Best of Breed under judges Donna Buxton and Camille Gagnon. She went on to win a Group 2 on Saturday under Great Dane authority judge Dana Cline. [...]
Judge Glenn Lajeski; Dec 2018 At the AKC National lead in shows, Diana was the youngest champion there and she held her own. At the Doberman Pinscher Club of America's Regional specialty held on Dec 14, 2018, breeder judge Glenn Lajeski chose Diana as his [...]
Judge Roger Gifford; October 2018 At the Delaware Ohio Kennel Club show on Oct. 28, 2018, Ch. Mirabel Love Story RATN, "Willow", went Best of Breed under judge Roger Gifford. This was her second breed win since finishing her championship in August and her first [...]
Judge Barbara Alderman; Oct 2018 Diana was awarded Best of Breed at Saturday's Clermont County KC show under judge Barbara Alderman. She went on to a group 3 in a strong working group of 28 dogs. Sister Pyra went Winners Bitch both days. [...]
Mirabel Love on Fire, "Pyra", went to the Clermont County KC shows this past weekend and was awarded back-to-back Winners Bitch from the Bred By class under judges Barbara Alderman and Pat Trotter. Pyra is co-owned with Kim Langley, who also owns Prada. Pyra's sister, Diana, won the breed [...]