We were on our way to Ebensburg, PA for a weekend of major shows for Zini when 5 hours into the trip I found out (NOT from show superintendent Roy Jones) the show had been canceled due to flooding at the show grounds. So we turned around, and drove 5 hours back home… a very long day for absolutely nothing. Good thing I was also entered at the Saturday show of Clermont County KC under judge Bonnie Clarke. She awarded the redheaded princess, Zini winners bitch and best of winners for her 8th point.
I have now added the AKC Show Cancellation hotline phone number (919-816-3950) into my cell. I think I’ll call before I leave the house from now on.

ADAMAS Bottle Shock of Mirabel "Zini" winning her 8th AKC point under judge Bonnie Clarke owner handled by Michelle