The Doberman Pinscher Club of America’s 2017 National Specialty was held in Huron Ohio Sept 30-Oct 7, 2017.
Regional Sweepstakes Sept 30 – Judge Mary Leahy of Wyndem Dobermans
I had the pleasure of showing Legendale Reign of Goldgrove, “Reign”, a Tyson granddaughter for owner Deborah Dorken. Reign went Best Puppy in Sweepstakes.
Regional Bitches Sept 30 – Judge Kimberly Meredith-Cavanna

In the 6-9 month black puppy bitch class, I had the pleasure of showing Char-Lors Catching Fire Allure Beaulane, “Finn”, for owners Jackie Beaumont (Beaulane Dobermans) and Carmen Pitts (Allure Dobermans). She placed 2nd in a class of 14.
In the 9-12 month puppy bitch class, I showed “Reign” and she placed 4th in a class of 11 (Not pictured for this win – see above for her Best Puppy in Sweeps photo)
National Bitches Oct 1 – Judge John Schoeneman (Shohaus Dobermans)
U-Ch Mirabel Here to Adore v ADAMAS RATO, “Dorie”, won the Bred by Exhibitor Black class of 8.
Mirabel Here in Time v ADAMAS OF OA NAJ CA WAC, “Prada”, won the Open Black class of 12. Prada is owned by Kim Langley.
Both girls are from our 2014 Chaos x Shiva litter which was co-bred with Elizabeth Barrett (ADAMAS Dobermans)


Round Robin Tournament Oct 3 – Judges Colleen Nicholson, Karin Fox, Ann White
Five of the puppies from our April 2017 Bono x Dorie litter competed in the 4-6 month class in the Round Robin Tournament.
Mirabel Warrior of Love, “Legend”, won the 4-6 month male class and went on to win Reserve Puppy.
Mirabel Endless Love, “Diana” (our keeper), won the 4-6 month female class (under Colleen Nicholson of Kelview Dobermans) and went on to win Best Puppy (under Karin Fox of Vondura Dobermans) and Best of Breed (under Ann White of Cambria Dobermans). Diana’s sister, Mirabel Scandolous Love “Rumor” placed 2nd in the class. Sisters Mirabel Love on Fire, “Pyra” owned by Kim Langley and Mirabel Love Story, “Willow”, owned by Rick and Irene Wilcox, also competed.

National Veteran Dog Oct 5 – Judge Judith Smith
What a pleasure it was to show “Bullet”, GCH. ADAMAS Shock and Awe RA ROM in the 7-9 year old veteran dog class for owners Rick and Irene Wilcox. Bullet is a Tyson son who was bred by Elizabeth Barrett. Bullet placed 3rd in a highly competitive class.