Judge Dana Cline; Nov. 2018
This past weekend in North Carolina, GCh. Mirabel Endless Love, “Diana”, won back to back Best of Breeds under judges Helene Nietsch (Banstock Bullmastiffs) and Connie Alexander (Kachina Dobermans) and on to a Group 3 under 2018 AKC Breeder of the Year, Dana Cline.

Judge Sharon Newcomb; Nov 2018

Judge Peter Gaeta; Nov 2018
At the Columbus, Ohio November cluster, Diana started off the circuit by winning Best of Breed under judge Sharon Newcomb. Twelve years ago her great grandsire Tyson went Best of Breed over the #1 Doberman, and this time, Diana did it! So proud of The Pink Princess. Much appreciation to all f the ringside support for her all weekend long. She also went Select Bitch under Peter Gaeta at the Doberman Pinscher Club of Columbus specialty show to wrap up the weekend.