#ThePinkPrincess and TeamDiana made the trip to New York to show at the Wintergarden Specialties and Westminster. Except for the rain, the weather cooperated, and while the trip is an exhausting one, we had a great time.

Photo of #ThePinkPrincess by Diana Han, NorCal Bulldogger

All packed and ready for NY with #ThePinkPrincess. Tyson will be with us thanks to Kris who commissioned a beautiful Garnetta head study pendant by artist Judith Hankins

#ThePinkPrincess went BOS at the DPCA Regional in Rye Brook, NY under breeder judge Glen Lajeski in a fantastic lineup of specials.

#ThePinkPrincess loved our patio room in Rye Brook for the Wintergarden Specialties.

#ThePinkPrincess thinks a night of cuddling before the chaos of Westminster starts is just what the doctor ordered. Shown 4 of the 5 Wintergarden shows, Diana was Best of Opp under Glen Lajeski, Selects under Sioux Forsyth-Green and Mimi Brown, and Award of Merit under Cynthia Woodward . Thanks to all of the judges and the incredible ringside support.

#ThePinkPrincess rockin’ it while hanging out in the Westminster ring.

Team Pink Princess -Lots of Pink! Diana received one of the two Award of Merits from judge Eva Berg.
The 2020 Westminster KC Doberman Pinschers judged by Eva Berg

Bravo (BOB), Sparkle (BOS), Diana (AOM)
It was a Family Affair at Westminster.
Bravo, Sparkle, and Diana winning Best of Breed, Best of Opposite Sex, and Award of Merit. Bravo and Sparkle are Fifi kids. Sparkle and Diana have the same sire (Bono) and Diana’s dam is a Fifi niece.